This little boy is ...
Fortune was born 03/19/03. He was the 1st born in a litter of 4. Entire litter size was 6. 1 stillborn & loss of 1 life
The birth of Fortune & his littermates was filmed by Kaos Entertainment
and aired on Animal Planet's show, "That's My Baby".
Fortune is AKC registered & has been neutered.
Fortune is registered as a Mantle. One the six A.K.C. recognized show colors of Great Danes.
Fortune's Pedigree Fortune resides in Southern California with his mom, Lin. Fortune is a Service Dog
for his mom, Lin, who trained him with aid of Leashes For Living Dog Assistance Training School.
View pixs from his graduation here. Fortune is fed a raw diet.
Lin's daughter, Amanda, has Fortune's big sister,Lass. So Fortune & Lass get to see each other alot! (Fortune with Max & big sister, Lass) Fortune is an American Kennel Club certified Canine Good Citizen.
Fortune passed the Public Access Test
& the ATTS (American Temperament Testing Society) Temperament Test.
View baby pixs of Fortune & his littermates, Rocky, Keitaro & Bailey here.