This little boy was ...
Keitaro was born 03/19/03.
The youngest of a litter of 4.
Entire litter size was 6. 1 stillborn & loss of 1 life.
The birth of Keitaro & his littermates was filmed by Kaos Entertainment
and aired on Animal Planet's show, "That's My Baby". Keitaro was on AKC limited registration & has been neutered He was registered as a Merle with White Markings
Keitaro's coloring is commonly referred to as a Mantle Marked Merle which is one of the many pet colors Great Danes come in.
Keitaro was an American Kennel Club certified Canine Good Citizen.
A breeder's sorrow
Something most if not all caring breeders dread is the loss
of one of their "grandchildren".
To bring forth life one knows the
ultimate ending is death.
A breeder is the one who plans, who hopes,
who has excitement mingled with a tinge of fear.
They are the ones there before the new life comes,
they are there to welcome the new ones to the world
and they are the ones who are blessed with seeing
many of the firsts with the new babies.
First nursing, eyes opening, learning to walk,
playing, first feeding.
Its almost impossible not to lose your heart
to these young ones, even before they are born.
Then there is the tearful goodbye as they leave the nest.
The breeder hopes the best for them,
a place full of love, comfort & joy
for many, many years.
To brighten other lives as they have done for the breeder.
And then... after time...
to hear of their departure from this world
without prior notification of such an
upcoming event if it was planned
& without a concern or care of the breeders' feelings
is more than heartbreaking.
People often understand the loss of those who homed the baby,
the people who became "mom" & "dad"
but what of the "grandparents" ...
those who were at the beginning?
A loss is a loss to all.
We are breeders
and we love each and every one of our "grandchildren".
We are proud of each them for being themselves
and we know our hearts will ache with the passing of each and every one of them
no matter how far away they are.
We love you Keitaro.
We will always love you, Moose-moose-moose. (taken from this world 04/15/05)
Page by
Sixstar Danes
Changes last made on April 21st,