October 2007 we were evacuated from our home due to fire on the mountain
These are our "kids" near the bottom of the mtn at a park waiting for a friend who had Kele, Jet & the 2 kittens in his car.
L to R: Luca, Rooster, Eagle, Saber & Dyami
During our evacuation stay Luca & Dyami were boarded at a nearby kennel.
4 of our cats were cared for by my hubby's parents while the 2 kittens stayed with us in a borrowed crate in the room.
Our wonderful friend who let us stay during the fire evacuation of 2003 let us come back - this time we resided in her sewing room.
A very tired & confused Rooster
Rooster, Kele, Eagle, Jet & I
See a Yuki's shiny eyes?
Kele napping
I'm wearing this Cafepress design of mine
The critters waiting to be let inside.
Rooster & Kele
Rooster - Saber & Jet
Love you daddy!
"Rub my belly"
Rooster with his $6 plush Mucha Lucha dog
This is Eagle on the agility field.
The sewing room that we were in is on the left hand side of the house.
The pens you can see behind Eagle is where our temporary yard was.

The boys loving up on Dad

Rooster making himself comfortable

Rooster helping dad pay bills

Eagle washing his son

Practicing some Rally offleash

Eagle with Dad
After 2 weeks we were able to return home thanks to courage & the hard work of the firefighters.
Thank you one & all!