August 25th, 2001
GDCC Puppy Match
Sixstar Family Photos
[All 4 Sixstar Pups are bred 'n fed B.A.R.F.]

Sixstar's The Eagle Has Landed; "Eagle" 2nd Place 3-5 mo Aoac Dog
Sixstar's Rising Sun Phoenix; "Phoenix" 4th Place 3-5 mo Aoac Bitch

"Eagle" & brother "DJ" competing in the ring

"Comet", brother of Eagle, Phoenix & DJ

"LuluBelle" 1st cousin to the Sixstar pups (Lulu's sire & Sixstar pups' dam are littermates)

"Lulu" & "Phoenix"
"DJ" & "Phoenix"

"Maya" 1st, 2nd & 2nd cousins once removed to the Sixstar pups
(related on both sides)

"Comet" & "Phoenix"

"Phoenix","Eagle", "DJ", "Lulu" & "Maya"

"Phoenix" & "DJ"

All 4 littermates

More shots...

Roku & Star's Three Sons

Page by Sixstar Danes
Changes last made on August 27th, 2001