On Aug 19th, 2006 Dyami & Rooster competed against each other at a UKC show. Dyami & Rooster
Rooster in the ring. This judge allowed bait...Rooster was baiting for an apple Casual Rooster Rooster moving in the ring... Dyami in the ring The brothers just looking around.. At this show Rooster won Best Male, Best of Breed & Group 3 for his first UKC points
On Aug 20th, 2006 Star & Eagle went to Olympets in Crestline, CA
Eagle from the Weighted Rope Pull event Eagle won 1st Place & a Gold Medallion for this event Mother & son taking time out on a couch that was part of the Wacky Obstacle Course Eagle as a Bull for the Costume contest Star & Eagle cooling off their tootsies in Lake Gregory
The kids with their winning medals. 3 Golds, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
Star won 2nd place in the Shot Put Event (over her son even!)
and other than the weight pull Eagle won 1st Place for Freestyle Tricks,
1st Place for Biggest and 3rd place for Two Legged Walk (they didn't think he cheated when he used my shoulders as a brace)