I saw your face on a website in 1998.
You were just a little squirt but from those pixs I felt that you were to be ours.
I printed those pictures and made refrigerator magnets out of them.
It was a long drive to Wilcox, Az but we drove our on Christmas day & spent the night at a hotel.
It was hard to sleep.
In the morning we finally met you, your parents & most of your littermates.
We immortalized the day with photos & videotape.

You were a little thing, 12" tall and 19lbs.
On the drive back you used a st bernard beanie baby as a pillow
as you slept in my lap.
I was in love.
You were an adorable floppy earred Harlequin puppy with an outgoing personality.
I had hopes for you... to enter the show world.
As a young pup you turned many heads at a puppy match.
So many people asked who were out of and by and where we got you.
But it was not meant to be.
At 6 months your were diagnosed with hip dysplasia so neutering came soon after.
I admit I was saddened but it wasn't your fault I loved you.
As you grew and boy did you...
we noticed you had some vision problems.
We had that checked out and confirmed so we had an idea how you did see the world.
But neither your hips nor your eyes hindered your ever energetic, friendly, bouncy & happy spirit.
I could write a book about you.. about the lives you've touched,
about the things you did, about the smiles & laughter your brought forth..
you truly were beguiling, MFA's Beguilin B-Bar-H Baron, CGC
You were the clown.. you loved dressing up and being silly.

You enjoyed stealing hats, destroying ghosties (plastic grocery bags),
washing faces, barking back at me, bouncing, running & playing with plush.
You loved swimming in the pool at Lynn's and splashing me with your cannonball.
And I'll never forget your experience trying your paw at herding sheep.
Your spirit never faultered..
you were always happy, always ready
for your next adventure whatever it might be.
Even though you didn't get to be the show dog you turned out to be a real winner
as you won Top Dog (among other awards) at our local Humane Society event.
Yesterday I saw the flickering of your bright light.
You bounced back when dad came home but I knew it was time.
I couldn't bear to see the light go from your eyes because your body
was failing you.
I didn't want to see you leave before your body did.
I loved you.
I wanted you to have some dignity before there wouldn't be a choice left.
So this morning we took you to the lake...
you walked around.. your back paws scrapping here and there across the pavement..
sniffing the grass, the bushes... plucking leaves off a small tree with your teeth.
You saw the ducks and went a few feet after them.. your tail still having wags.
We got you an ice cream which you gobbled in almost one bite.
You were so bony, so thin you could see ever single back vertebrae..
and your body was to the point it just kept losing weight no matter how much you ate.
It hurt to look at what you were going through... but I loved you.
Then we went to the vets...
he came out as I held your head close to my breast, my lips by your ear I whispered to you
as I gave your leg to our vet and he slipped a needle within.
You took a long deep breath and almost sighed with relief as you were released from your form.
I cried last night, I cried in the morning,
I cried at the lake & in the van while waiting for our doctor
and as I felt you slipping away I cried even harder.
My babyface was gone ..
We were blessed to share over 6yrs with you.
arrived in this world 11/05/98
& left this world 05/18/05
and dad & I will never forget nor ever stop loving you.
This is how I always want to remember you...
Happy & having fun.