If you're coming in by way of a link please visit us HERE
Do you have a website?
Would you like to nominate it for an award?
Requirements for our Sixstar Danes' awards:
Please read thoroughly!
Your website must be finished, be easy to navigate & not take forever to load.
Having Great Danes featured on your site is a BIG plus but not a necessity. :)
Links on your site must be active and working
NO pornography or profanity allowed!
A link back to us is mandatory should you win an award
How to nominate your site?
Kindly email us with your URL, some info as to what your site is about,
why you would like to win an award &
why you feel your site deserves the award.
Your Site URL & e-mail address MUST BE included in your award request!
E-mail your award nomination to us
It may take a week or two for us to check out your site.
You'll be notified if you are a winner.
If your site is given an award it will be up to us as to which award it has won.
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