"Hi! Thanks for stopping in...

it's not often -I- get visitors."
Nikoma Ky Enkasho"

"Just call me Niko,
I'm an Akita, an AKC Canine Good Citizen

as well as the 'nanny' of the house.

Yeah, that's right I help raise the 4 legged kids of the family."

"I'm a fluffy pillow for Baron..."
"Here are two puppy pictures of yours truly.."

"...Mom making a fool of me.."

"uhh..don't ask. The kitty below is Dante' "

"Having fun at Santa's Village on rides there.
It's too bad they closed that park - mega bummer!"
"OW OW Ow! Stop kicking me in the head, Sef!"
Nikoma, Baron & Roku celebrating their 7th, 3rd & 5th Birthdays
November 2001

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[Our 4 footed Family]
Page created by Niko with a little help by Sixstar Danes
Changes last made on Jan 1st, 2004